Friday, November 5, 2010

California Recidivism Report

According to this post from the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, about the new report on recidivism—as measured over the standard three year period—is at 67.5%

An excerpt from the post.

“While CDCR has tracked return-to-prison rates for first-time felons released from prison since 1977, the 2010 Adult Institutions Outcome Evaluation Report expands this measure of recidivism to include re-released felons and felons who have been discharged from parole. Measured over a three-year period, inmates released in fiscal year 2005/06 have a recidivism rate of 67.5 percent.

“Other key findings in the report include:
• Nearly three-quarters of felons who recidivate did so within a year of release.
• Most recidivists returned to prison for parole violations.
• After three years, re-released felons returned to prison at a rate 16.8 percentage points higher than those released for the first time.
• Females have a three-year return-to-prison rate of 58 percent, which is approximately 10 percentage points lower than that of males.
• In general, recidivism rates declined with age. Among inmates, ages 18 to 24 when released in fiscal year 2005/06, nearly 75 percent returned to prison within three years, compared to about 67 percent ages 40 to 44 and 46 percent of those 60 years of age and older.
• Sex offenders recidivate at a slightly lower rate compared with other felons. Of the sex offenders who recidivate, 86 percent do so because of a parole violation.”