Monday, June 23, 2008

Spreading The Word

In the elegant simplicity with which Pope Benedict expresses complex eternal truths, he recently spoke, as a Vatican News Release summarized, with those who work in the apostolate of Catholic radio, and reminded them that their work is directly connected with that begun in a small village over two thousand years ago; and reminds us that all of the work emanating from Catholic institutions is so connected and has an immense responsibility and joyful opportunity to spread the Word.

Here is an excerpt.

"As you work in Catholic radio stations you are at the service of the Word", the Pope told the more than 100 delegates from 50 countries. "The words that you broadcast each day are an echo of that eternal Word which became flesh. ... The Incarnation took place in a distant village, far away from the noisy imperial cities of antiquity. Today, even though you make use of modern communication technologies, the words which you broadcast are also humble, and sometimes it may seem to you that they are completely lost amidst the competition of other noisy and more powerful mass media.

"But do not be disheartened!" he added. "The words which you transmit reach countless people, some of whom are alone and for whom your word comes as a consoling gift, some of whom are curious and are intrigued by what they hear, some of whom never attend church because they belong to different religions or to no religion at all, and others still who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ, yet through your service first come to hear the words of salvation. This work of patient sowing, carried on day after day, hour after hour, is your way of co-operating in the apostolic mission".