Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Europe, America & the Sacred Mountain

An excellent analysis of the deep ideological divide between Europe and America by Natan Sharansky, the great Soviet dissident, in light of European response to the recent visit by President Bush to the Continent, which helps reveal that the strength of our country is connected to the congruence it maintains to the deep values which have informed it since its founding, and which President Bush exemplifies perhaps more than any other recent American president.

In northern Italy the first and largest of the Sacred Mountains of the Church is due to be restored to its fifteenth century glory for the faithful to see the recreation of a Holy Land pilgrimage, through the works of art and the sacredness of the 45 chapels, because, as the article from Chiesa notes:

“After the fall of Constantinople to Muslim domination, the pilgrimage to the Holy Land had become too dangerous. It was practically impossible. The response was to reproduce, in Italy, the routes and stations of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. For a pilgrimage that could be made without leaving the country. Many little Jerusalems were reproduced in scenographic form, for the devotion and edification of the faithful.”