Another reminder that the institutional Church in America is seriously misinformed in their ability to understand criminal justice issues, is this new policy of providing free needles to drug users, as reported by Catholic Culture.
Phil Lawler responds appropriately.
An excerpt.
“The argument for distributing clean syringes is essentially the same as the argument for distributing condoms: It's no use arguing against pre-marital sex or illegal drug use; people are going to do these things anyway. We might as well help them stay alive.
“By giving out needles (or condoms), we give people a superficial sense of security while they engage in acts that are demeaning, destructive, and gravely sinful. We're sending the message that we doubt they can help themselves-- and thereby discouraging them from trying. We're telling them that we don't think they're capable of overcoming their impulses or their addictions. We're saying that the die is cast; they are-- for now, at least-- beyond the point at which they can turn their lives around. It's bad enough when this message comes from the government. But when it comes from the Church-- the institution that exists solely to offer people the prospect of redemption-- it's especially deadly.”