Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 4th of July & the River

This is July 4th and many of the folks in my town are down by, or in, the American River, as pictured above by our house, and I read this poem today that seemed so appropriate, and so beautiful, from the poet Charlotte Muse in America magazine.

An excerpt.

On the bank where it pours clear over freckled stones,
I want to sit and watch a leaf riding the surface,
a fish patrolling the water road
downstream through sun glint and flash of froth,
on through the river of light
river of water
river of light

And I’ll plunge in,
trusting the river which is not trustworthy,
to be carried on its back,
giving up my own motion to look at the unrolling sky,
then turning like a log to stare down
until I or the river
lets go